Sunday, May 8, 2011

Work - January 27, 2011

Today was my first day at work on the compound. Massey drove me to
work. He drove on mostly paved roads to work. There was not much
traffic and there were not many people in the streets.

When I got to work I got out of Massy's toyota and walked up to the
Aghani guard. He carried an AK-47 on his shoulder. He checked my badge
and bag and let me onto the compound.

My office is also the server room. I moved the desk and computer to
another wall and cleaned up all the trash that was left there. Samin
is the custodian. He swept and mopped the room and helped me dispose
of the trash.

The Director needed a Office 2007 CD. Jalal called to to tell me about
it. Mohammed Aziz had a problem with the wall jack for the internet
connection. I logged both issues into our trouble ticket tracking

I reviewed some paper work, developed plans to complete my tasks and
made a list of the things I would need.

I installed software on my computers and configured them so I could work.

Shuib, Clarence and Ray unloaded a satellite dish that they will be
installing at the compound for the new internet connection. I rode
home with them.

Irene made BBQ Chicken and Beef for dinner. It was good.

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