Sunday, May 8, 2011

The world that I see - May 8th, 2011

I woke up this morning with taste of diesel fuel in my mouth. The power has been out on our street for two days. This happens frequently. The generator continues to generate.

We went to the mall last Friday. It is a huge building, five floors with an underground parking lot. I looked around a lot. I'm amazed at the selection of fine jewels and metals. I bought a bracelet. My house mates bought some clothes and shoes. We ate lunch on the bottom floor in a dimly lit food court. We sat on large couches. People stared at us like we were little green men leaving our spaceships.

There are almost no bald men in Kabul. It seems like everyone is walking around will a nice full head of hair. It is a regular occurrence to see a mini van packed so full of people that two guys are riding along standing on the bumper. I have seen an entire family on one motorcycle. There are many horse and donkey drawn carts on the streets. There are often people so poor and alone that they are sitting and sometimes even laying in the middle of the street.

Found another spot to unwind in Kabul. It's a Restaurant and Salon. We were there for the grand opening dinner. There was a small buffet. My house mates and I sat at a table outside in the courtyard and listened to the local guys play their instruments. It was another priceless experience to add to the many I have had in this city.

Work. I have been assigned to a second compound. I am splitting my time between the two. It is still rewarding and interesting. I am enjoying it. Life is good.

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