Sunday, May 8, 2011

Boss - February 26th, 2011

I need to dial back the Stress O' Meter a notch or two. I have been working late and for many days now. Friday is my only day off from work.

There has been some drama on the compund where I work. We have been busy setting up new equipment to meet our contract deadline.

We made a brief trip to Finest Grocery Store on Friday. I bought some potato chips, fruit juice and an Orange Crush. Also got a toothbrush. My bank card does not work at the cash machines here. It's difficult to get a haircut with a plastic card. 

I'm shopping for an enduro motor cycle so it will be easier and faster to get around Kabul and to work. 

The weather has been really nice the last few days. Lots of sun. Two of the long walls in my room are all windows so it is really bright inside.

The big boss is in town so everyone is working a lot.

Our evening security guard Abdula is getting some more Mixed Martial equipment for the Kabul House. We are working out almost ever other night.

I spoke to my Grandmom on Valentines day. I've been chatting or Skyping with Daniel and Emily every night.

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